Codes of Conduct

Reporting Misconduct

The procedures for reporting inappropriate conduct are as follows:

Complaints regarding Coaches or Players:

  1. Approach the coach with your concern.
  2. If after approaching the coach your concerns are not properly resolved, a meeting with the Chair of the Coaching Committee, Coach, and person filing the complaint will be held. The complaint should be filed here. If the Chair of the Coaching Committee is involved in the incident, a member of the Board of Directors at minimum will be present for the meeting.
  3. Once steps 1 & 2 are exhausted, if the problem persists, a complete review will be conducted by the MCYHA Board.

Complaints regarding Parents, Spectators or Volunteers:

  • Formal complaints should be submitted via the grievance form found here. This goes directly to the President of the Board of Directors. Upon review of the complaint a meeting may be conducted with all parties involved. The individual filing complaint must be present for this meeting if asked to be.

Complaints regarding Officials:

  • Formal complaints should be submitted in writing to the President of the Board of Directors. Upon review of the complaint a meeting will be conducted with all parties involved, including the Officiating Director.
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